Initial Acupuncture
First Session at Grow >>
Your session will include history taking, treatment priorities and plan, and an acupuncture treatment.
$110 - Allow 60min

Standard Acupuncture
Maintenance Treatments >>
Continued care and maintenance of your treatment plan.
$85 - Allow 50min

Add LED Therapy
to your treatments >>
Add the latest technology to your ancient traditional treatment.


Acupuncture stimulates specific points on the body that are chosen by your presenting condition. Sterile, disposable needles are inserted into specific points on the body. Needles are finer than those used in injections, creating significantly different (even pleasurable!) sensations.​

Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbal formulas may be recommended for you and your health goals. Herbs come in easy to take tablet, capsule or powder form. We handle herbs that are of high quality and meet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Authority standards.

Diet & Nutrition Advice
Weight loss, weight gain, training programs, disease and condition maintenance?
Constitutional plans to suit your goals. Gradual, sustainable shifts are usually the key to successful nutrition. Vitamins and herbs may also be recommended.​

Lifestyle & Exercise Advice
How you move your body, how you sleep, how you address stress - can has the power to create or to hinder health.
We address your priorities and establishing support, plans and routines that help your journey to wellness.


Diagnosing >>
Firstly, your primary concerns will be discussed, along with your medical history. Traditional Chinese techniques will be used including pulse taking and/or the colour and texture of your tongue, and testing certain points in your body using slight pressure.

Preparing >>
Usually you will be siting or laying on our comfortable treatment tables. Most clients don’t need to remove clothing for a treatment, as our needle technique mainly focuses on the lower arms, legs, hands and feet – even if your pain or problem is a completely different area of the body. Curious how this works?

Treatment >>
Acupuncture pins are applied in areas specifically designed for your individual needs.
You will be asked how you are feeling after needles are inserted, as you may experience different sensations throughout your body. If you have a specific pain, for example, you may find the pain easing or disappearing altogether.
We may also incorporate a variety of other techniques to ensure you are getting the best possible treatment, such as laser light therapy or heat.
Then, your body does the work. You are encouraged to relax and allow the treatment to take affect. The needles are often left in for approximately 20-30 minutes.

Treatment Plan >>
An effective treatment plan ensures the cause of your condition is addressed - critical to prevent symptoms from continuing. Herbs may also be recommended as part of your plan. We will discuss your best options and respect your right to decide on further action.